GMS El Salvador Commttee Calendar of Events
- November 8 - 16 + St. Peter Sheboygan Sister Church Delegation in El Salvador
- November 21 + Synod Committee Meeting + 7 PM in Synod Office Conference Room
- December 19 + Synod Committee Meeting + 7 PM in Synod Office Conference Room
- January 16 + Synod Committee Meeting + 7 PM in Synod Office Conference Room
- February 4-12 + Mission of Healing Family Wellness Fair in El Salvador (Northern Region)
- February 11-18 + Mission of Healing Family Wellness Fair in El Salvador (Central South Region
Optional add-on visit with Rutilio Grande February 8-11 - February 20 + Synod Committee Meeting + 7 PM in Synod Office Conference Room
- March 20+ Synod Committee Meeting + 7 PM in Synod Office Conference Room
Endowment Fund for Salvadoran Lutheran Church Pastor Salaries
Can we push the principal of the fund over the $1 million mark by the end of 2016? Your gift can help us to reach this goal! Interest from the fund is currently being used to pay a portion of pastor salaries each year during the last months of the fiscal year.
Consider a Making a Gift to the Endowment Fund:
Make checks to: "Greater Milwaukee Synod"
Memo line: El Salvador Pastor Endowment
Mail to: Greater Milwaukee Synod + 1212 S Layton Blvd + Milwaukee WI 53215
Update on the $1 Per Lutheran Campaign
During 2012-2013, Salvadoran Lutherans raised more than $4000 (mostly in dimes and quarters) in support of the Endowment Fund. At the Encuentro 2015, the Salvadoran Lutheran Church announced that it would revive this campaign for 2016. If your congregation is looking for a fun way to raise money for the Salvadoran Lutheran Church Pastors Endowment Fund, why not consider a $1 per member or a Noisy Offering campaign!
Mission of Healing Family Wellness Fairs
Plans are already in the works for the 2017 Ferias de Bienestar Familiar. The transition from Mission of Healing to Family Wellness Fair began with work in October of 2014 (see this report) and continued with the Missions of Healing in 2015. Increased emphasis is being placed on education and connecting people with their local health clinics. Our joing wellness fairs offer exciting opportunities for healers, clergy, lay workers, teachers, artists, musicians and folks who love kids to work together with the Salvadoran Lutheran Church, the Salvadoran healthcare system and non-profit and governmental agencies in El Salvador to provide communities with a holistic day of fun, education and healing.
The Role of the Companion Synod Committee
Whether we are working to grow church to church relationships or our companion relationship with the Salvadoran Lutheran Church as a whole, we use the accompaniment model of walking together. We work closely with the Sister Parish Office and Micro-Region leaders of the Salvadoran Lutheran Church, coordinating all of our visits and interactions with broad and transparent communication.
The committee works to develop and share resources for all who have a heart for the people of El Salvador. This is one of the reasons we have developed this web site. We host educational events, provide resources and guest speakers to congregations, provide coordination and guidelines for sharing money gifts for Salvadoran Lutheran Church ministries, promote the development initiatives of the Salvadoran Lutheran Church and Comunidad Rutilio Grande, and encourage advocacy.
GMS El Salvador Committee Connections...
- GMS El Salvador Committee Brochure
- GMS Friends for El Salvador Facebook Page
- Salvadoran Lutheran Church Pastors Endowment Facebook Page