This page is filled with links to practical resources for use in your non-commercial setting. Please give credit as indicated. If you wish to give an offering in gratitude for the use of these resources, please consider supporting the Salvadoran Lutheran Church Pastors Endowment Fund.
Tools for Synod Committees and Congregation Leaders
- Building Healthy Relationships ~ guide and enrich sister church and companion synod relationships; includes sample documents for sustainable project management
- Worship & Devotional Resources ~ bring cultural diversity into worship on a regular basis or use these tools for El Salvador Sundays; includes resources for delegation blessings, small group devotions and personal use
- Salvadoran Lutheran Church Pastors Endowment Fund Resources ~ multi-media and print materials
- Greater Milwaukee Synod Missions of Healing in El Salvador Resources - applications and documents for the upcoming Mission of Healing are located on The Missions of Healing in El Salvador Page. Coloring pages, handouts for patients and other resources for use with your local ministries or in El Salvador are located on The Missions of Healing Resources Page.
- Greater Milwaukee Synod of the ELCA Information ~ learn what's going on in the Milwaukee Synod including current projects and a link to the Companion Committee page
Learning and Teaching Tools
- Learn About the Salvadoran Lutheran Church ~ ministry information, photos, current news, history, and links
- Educational Resources for Adults ~ printables, power point presentations; appropriate for personal use, adult education classes or delegation preparation
- Educational Resources for Children and Youth - printables, power point presentations, lesson plans for Sunday School or cross-generational experiences
- Practical and Fun Resources in Spanish - developed for use in El Salvador for teacher training events or to use with children in El Salvador or the US
- Online Media Connections ~ links to current news, culture and web resources
- Bibliographies of Books and Movies ~ Tim's El Salvador Blog Book List; Tim's El Salvador Blog Movie List; Book and Movie list prepared by Dean Brackley