How to Get Involved
LEARN . . .
TRAVEL . . .
- Participate in a Greater Milwaukee Synod Feria de Bienestar Familiar - Family Wellness Fair delegation in El Salvador.
- Participate in other upcoming Greater Milwaukee Synod delegation visits in El Salvador. Trips are listed on the El Salvador Committee Page.
- Does your congregation have a church to church or synodical relationship with the Salvadoran Lutheran Church? Learn more about Encuentro 3 - the international gathering of partnerships which took place in San Salvador in November 2012. The next Encuentro is in November, 2015. One or two representatives from each sister church are invited to attend!
- Contact your national representatives and the white house to advocate for foreign policy reform which addresses global poverty
- Attend events in your community to learn more about the real-life implications of US immigration policies on Salvadoran families in El Salvador and in the US
- Connect with local groups such as Voces de la Frontera and learn about local issues which impact the Latino community.